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On Ohio Reopening, and Why We Aren't Yet

May 15, 2020 10:18 AM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

As you may have heard, the state of Ohio is starting the process of reopening businesses.

OhioSMART is stable and has no intention of going anywhere. We will always exist in some form. We miss seeing you all, and we would love to host some events to provide the safe place you all know and enjoy. However, we refuse to risk even one member's life during this pandemic.

You’re probably wondering, “so when will you reopen?” We are no strangers to evaluating risk, and are taking your privacy and safety into account at all times. We will continue to evaluate the situation as it develops, and will open in a way that is safe, when it is safe to do so - no sooner.

In the meantime, SMART leadership has been combining the power of each of our five unburnt brain cells to put together virtual classes and munches - things you can use now and after the plague is under control. We're hosting weekly Netflix Parties (Keep checking the events calendar), and we're almost ready to launch our Discord server to provide a place for Jackbox games, roundtables, and other virtual events.

Our community has been through times like these, and we will get through this and reunite to be our kinky beautiful selves together again someday - we appreciate your patience as we work to play our part in making sure everyone joins us on the other side.

Stay home if you can, wash your hands either way, and stay tuned for the next update!

Contact Us!


☎  440.732.8317

OhioSMART is a 501c(7) non-profit organization.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 602643
Cleveland, OH 44102

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